Pregnancy Without Pounds

You're about to learn the TRUTH about why you DON'T have to go through pregnancy feeling overweight and unattractive...
A proven program for you to get through your pregnancy in better shape than most other women in as little as 27 minutes a few days a week and with minimal effort.
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You’ll learn EXACTLY how to avoid unwanted pounds, overcome your food cravings, care for your skin, dress to kill and look like one Hot Mama
If you'd like to finally avoid gaining excess pregnancy weight, get fit to deliver so you can enjoy an easy labor and lose your pregnancy weight quickly after delivery without all the drama of stretch marks, nausea, fatigue and misery, then Click Here
A Quick Peek At What's Inside the Book
  • How to avoid gaining weight in all the WRONG places… Hint - it’s in the body type and Yes you can do something about it….pg.04
  • Which specific core strengthening exercises will make your labor easier……pg.38
  • How to speed up your post-partum weight loss (easily!)…
  • 10 steps to stop the cellulite invasion …
  • What to eat to reduce food cravings, puffy face and varicose veins…
  • 10 Tips for fighting pregnancy acne…
  • A key dietary supplement that WILL reduce your appetite, elevate your mood and decrease your cravings (this one is HUGE!)…
  • 5 proven ways to PREVENT sagging breasts…
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Read What Others Have To Say About Pregnancy without Pounds
I loved the book. Read it all last night! It's tough to teach me anything about fitness that I don't already know. I have been in fitness for 22 years, have taught choreography and strength training at group fitness conventions in over 25 countries and have an MA in Health Ed. I usually have to go to the World conference to get updated. Books rarely give me new info, but Michelle did a great job and I learned some things from you. Well worth the money!!
—Pam Cosmi,
Masters in Exercise Science & Health Education
Michigan, USA

I just want to say thank you...THANK YOU!! I'm a physically fit person to begin with, but was nervous for my health and the health of my child. During the first 7 weeks of my pregnancy I felt tired and fat. I was depressed about the way I looked and the way I felt about myself. Just BLAH all the time. As soon as I began your excercises and stretches, I began to feel better about myself. It's not even about feeling fat and unattractive anymore. I have more energy, I feel healthy and overall feel better about myself. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! :)
—Nikki Charriere
Virginia, USA

How to Avoid Excess Pregnancy Weight

Getting pregnant is perhaps the worst way that a woman can appear in her life. Not only is she as fat as an overgrown pig, she also has swollen legs and feet, swollen cheeks and her hair is falling fast. In addition to this, some pregnant women even morph into someone else when they are pregnant. They get acne and their noses become really big. Thus, you need to avoid excess pregnancy weight to feel good while pregnant.

Gaining weight is normal for women who are pregnant because there is an additional weight in your body— the baby. This, however, does not mean that you can gain excess pregnancy weight as much as you want to. There is also a limit in the kind of weight that you can gain as excess pregnancy weight can also cause a problem in giving birth.

Babies who are too big because of the kind of diet that their moms had while pregnant will be harder to deliver as opposed to infants who are just the right size. Often moms who have excess pregnancy weight and have really big babies inside them will end up in the caesarian section of the hospital, which can be really expensive and of course, more dangerous.

This is the reason why most doctors advice their patients to be more careful in the foods that they consume as this can result in a much too big baby for you. This is especially true with women who have smaller frames and those with really small hips. Below are some tips that can help pregnant women like you avoid excess pregnancy weight.

Don't eat too much

Being pregnant does not give you the license to eat anything you want, anytime you want, in whatever amounts that you want. You also need to balance the amount of food that you eat to avoid excess pregnancy weight. Eat what is enough for both of you. If you are already full, stop. Some women make the mistake of eating even when they are already full because they want their babies to have enough. This is wrong. Your body will tell you if what you have consumed is already enough.

Eat a balance meal

It is important that you also balance the food that you eat to avoid excess pregnancy weight. Plan your meals so that you will have more veggies and fruits in your diet in addition to the meat. Fish is also another good source of nutrients for you. Veggies contain fibers that will help your body digest the food. Balance meals are all the more important at this stage because the baby inside of you will also need the nutrients that you give them. You will also need the nutrients in order to be strong for the delivery.

Watch what you eat

You can eat to make sure that your baby received enough nutrients from you but you also have to remember that not everything you eat will necessarily translate to nutrients. This is especially true with foods that are just empty calories and carbohydrates such as sweets and junk foods. And although chemical-laden foods are the only ones that pregnant women should avoid, too much of some foods can also cause problems for you and will result to excess pregnancy weight.

Drink lots of water

While you are trying to avoid excess pregnancy weight, you also need to drink plenty of water. Water can help flush out the unwanted toxins in the body. Water will also help in the digestion of food. Besides, it is important for pregnant women to drink lots of water because they have a tendency to develop urinary tract infection because of water loss during pregnancy.
Pregnancy should not be that stressful, while your body is going through a lot of dramatic changes, there are still things you can do to feel good and look attractive. Do you want to feel good, attractive and beautiful while pregnant and avoid excess pregnancy weight? Discover how to have pregnancy without the pounds visit Trim Pregnancy

Slim Mom Secrets

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  • Discover How You Can Get Back into Your Pre-Pregnancy Shape (or Better) just 37 Days After Your Healthy Baby is Born.
  • Prevent Some Of Pregnancy's Most Unpleasant Side Effects Like Acne, Varicose Veins, Saggy Breasts, Stretch Marks, Excess Fat, And Cellulite.
  • What exercises are safe to do, during each trimester? (I demonstrate each exercise with detailed photos taken during my eighth month.)
  • 10 Easy Ways To Zap Uncontrollable Pregnancy Cravings That Pile On Too Much Weight!
  • Tried-and-true tips for overcoming common pregnancy challenges. The Best Cures for Common Complaints--Feel Better Now!
  • How to Have a Shorter, Easier, More Comfortable Labor & Delivery!
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Barb Cozine, Iowa City, IA

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Discover How to Lose Pregnancy Weight

For most pregnant women, gaining weight during pregnancy is normal. Women tend to eat more to nourish her unborn baby. While it is fascinating to be a mother, frustration comes with it when you have a hard time to lose pregnancy weight after delivery.

Women often feel unattractive during and after pregnancy, which shouldn’t be the case. Pregnancy should not be a struggle; you can be at your best during and after pregnancy. You can feel good during your pregnancy, have a beautiful healthy baby and still get back into your pre-pregnancy shape afterwards. There are things you can do to lose pregnancy weight and get back to your pre-pregnancy shape. Remember that you cannot be the best mom if you aren’t on your best. Here are some tips to help you lose pregnancy weight:

First thing is to have the motivation and the decision to exert effort to lose pregnancy weight. Many women began their life-long struggle with weight after pregnancy. During pregnancy, you may gain 40-60 pounds; you may lose half of it after giving birth and the rest is what you'll have to work for. If you don’t decide to exert effort to lose pregnancy weight you will never lose the other half of the gained weight during pregnancy and worst you will gain more and more weight after each pregnancy until you hardly recognize yourself in the mirror.

Eat properly. You don’t have to go through a crash diet to lose pregnancy weight. This is dangerous not only to your health but to your baby as well especially if you are breastfeeding. Eat a lot of nutritious food while trying to lose pregnancy weight. A balanced diet with vegetables and fruits daily is a good start. Eat foods high in fiber to help you with elimination and keep you from eating too much because fibers are filling.

Engage in an exercise program during and after pregnancy. Consult your doctor, there are safe exercises that you can do while pregnant and there are also exercises for you after giving birth to lose pregnancy weight. Your doctor can advise you when it is safe to exercise after giving birth. Based on your medical history, he can help you decide which exercise programs are best for you and how fast you can shift from one level of exercise to the next. You can also engage in other activities like swimming, yoga and walking.

You don’t have to go through pregnancy feeling unattractive and worst end up overweight after delivery. You can make it easier for you to lose pregnancy weight if you know the right techniques that will give you immediate results. Did you know that you can get back to your pre-pregnancy shape in just 37 days after your healthy baby is born? Find out how to be a slim mom visit Slim Mom Secrets