Avoid Excessive Pregnancy Weight Gain

Pregnancy is a gift but it is also accompanied by a lot of discomforts including gaining weight. It is inevitable to gain weight during pregnancy because it is necessary for your own health and the nourishment of the child inside your womb. A woman of healthy weight before pregnancy should gain between 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Unfortunately, most pregnant women gain more than what is required. To be healthy and look good while pregnant it is important to know how to avoid excessive pregnancy weight gain.

Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can be dangerous not only to the mother but also to the unborn child. Women who are overweight during pregnancy are at higher risk of having babies with birth defects. Obesity increases your risk of pregnancy complications like hypertension or pre-eclampsia. Avoid excessive pregnancy weight gain if you want a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Here are some tips to avoid excessive pregnancy weight gain: Work with your doctor. It is important to have a regular check up and talk to your doctor about the necessary weight gain to keep you and your unborn child safe and healthy. Base from your current weight, your health care provider can give guidelines on how and when to gain the necessary weight. It is important to work with your doctor and monitor your weight to avoid excessive pregnancy weight gain.

Exercise regularly. It is not healthy to be a couch potato during pregnancy. There are physical activities suitable for pregnant women. Exercise is good for you and your baby but you have to know how to properly do it. Before doing any physical activity, talk to your doctor about the exercises that you can do to avoid excessive pregnancy weight gain.

Eat healthy. Do not make pregnancy an excuse to eat all you want.  It is important not to overeat. Eat the healthy foods to get all the nutrients you and your baby needs. Avoid junk foods and fast foods which are high in fats, calories and salt. Cut down on sweet foods like cakes and drinks like sodas and coffee because they do not have the nutrients and vitamins you need. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Seek the advice of a nutritionist or ask your doctor about the proper diet for your condition to avoid excessive pregnancy weight gain.

Be healthy, look good and feel good while pregnant. Discover more on how to go through pregnancy without the unnecessary weight, visit Trim Pregnancy