Pregnancy Excess Weight: What Are The Risks?

Gaining weight during pregnancy is normal and part of nurturing the unborn baby. But even though it is necessary to gain weight to nurture your baby, it doesn’t mean that you have to gain excess weight. It is not advisable and dangerous to diet during pregnancy and it is also dangerous to become overweight during pregnancy. Pregnancy excess weight will put you and your baby’s health at risk.

It is important that you know the proper weight gain during pregnancy. Your doctor can recommend the required weight gain based on your pre-pregnancy weight. It is also important to gain weight at a stable rate to avoid inconvenience like backaches, varicose veins and stretch marks. Monitoring your weight gain will prevent you from gaining pregnancy excess weight.

Pregnancy excess weight can put your health at risk. There are health risks associated with obesity like preeclampsia causing high blood pressure and fluid retention during pregnancy. You will also be prone to gestational diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular disease.

Aside from those health risks mentioned, pregnancy excess weight will also put you at high risk of experiencing difficulty during delivery that may lead to caesarian section. You may also find it difficult to recover after delivery and you may experience postpartum infections.

Pregnancy excess weight or obesity is also associated with numerous birth defects and may put your baby in danger. If you are overweight during pregnancy, there is a high tendency that your baby will also be overweight making it difficult for your baby to be delivered or to pass through your birth canal causing injuries on the shoulder.

It is important to watch your weight during pregnancy, eat healthy foods and stay active with exercises appropriate for pregnant women. Obesity can put you and your baby’s health at risk. While you are concerned with your health and your baby’s safety, of course, as a woman you also want to look good while pregnant. We live in the world that beauty and appearance matters a lot and pregnancy excess weight will not make you look good.

Did you know that you do not have to go through pregnancy feeling overweight and unattractive? You can avoid pregnancy excess weight and you can get fit to enjoy an easy labor and safe delivery. Find out more visit Trim Pregnancy

Tips to Control Pregnancy Weight Gain

A common concern of pregnant women is the weight gain during pregnancy. Aside from their growing tummy they are also gaining too much weight making them appear so big and unattractive. Instead of feeling bad about your appearance, you can do something to control pregnancy weight gain to stay healthy and look good.

It is true that you need to gain weight during pregnancy to get the necessary nutrients and vitamins you and your baby needs but gaining too much weight is not healthy. A woman of normal body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy needs to gain between 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. It you gain too much, it could be dangerous for you and your unborn child.

Here are some tips to control pregnancy weight gain:

Get the advice of your health care provider. If you are gaining too much weight, it is best to ask the advice of your doctor. Losing weight during pregnancy is not advisable but regular monitoring and check up may be necessary to control your weight. Your doctor can advise you on how to properly control pregnancy weight gain to avoid obesity. Obesity is accompanied by a lot of health risks especially when you are pregnant. It is important to gain only the required weight during pregnancy for your own health and for the development of your unborn child.

Avoid overeating. Pregnancy is not an excuse to overeat or eat for two. You have to gain weight to nourish your unborn child but too much is not necessary. You need to control pregnancy weight gain to avoid excess pounds.

Avoid fattening foods. Avoid fast foods because they are loaded with calories and contains no or little nutrients and vitamins. Cut down on sweetened foods like candies, cakes and ice cream. Avoid junk foods and processed foods. Choose the food that you will eat and avoid fattening foods to control pregnancy weight gain.

It is possible to avoid excess weight while pregnant and go through your pregnancy healthy and looking great. Find out more on how to stay fit and healthy while pregnant visit Trim Pregnancy

Pregnancy Weight – How to Regain Pre-Pregnancy Shape

Being a mother is the most miraculous experience a woman could experience. Unfortunately, after pregnancy you have to battle with the excess pounds to regain pre-pregnancy shape. There are some women who can shred excess pounds easily but for the rest, it’s difficult. If you are one of those women worrying how to lose the extra pounds after pregnancy, here are some things you can do to regain pre-pregnancy shape:

Do not expect immediate weight loss after pregnancy. It is not realistic to expect to regain pre-pregnancy shape immediately after pregnancy. Remember that you gained weight in 9 months and you need at least the same amount of time to lose the excess pounds and regain pre-pregnancy shape. Be happy with a little progress you have, losing weight takes time.

Don’t get mesmerized and get envious with supermodels or famous people who get back to their original shape in such a short time. Remember that they are rich and famous and they have access to all the modern techniques to lose weight.

Start your exercise program 2-3 months after delivery. Even if you want to regain pregnancy shape as soon as possible, it is not advisable to exercise and engage in energetic movements weeks or days after delivery. This is dangerous; you need to regain your strength first before starting to work out to lose weight. Consult your doctor first before engaging in any exercise program. You can start from light exercise programs and gradually shift to more energetic exercise. Exercise programs are not the only way to regain pre-pregnancy shape, activities like swimming; walking and yoga can help shred the excess pounds you gained.

Track your weight loss. Don’t fall into the trap of losing too much weight weekly, it’s not healthy and dangerous to your health. The safest weight you could shred is 0.5 to 2 lbs. per week. Do not aim to speed up your weight loss and always remember that it takes time to lose weight and regain pre-pregnancy shape.

Eat a well balanced diet and drink a lot of water. Eat vegetables and fruits and have fibers on your diet to avoid eating too much. Get enough amounts of calcium and protein. Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins and keep your body refreshed.

It is quite hard to lose weight after pregnancy because most pregnant women take actions to lose weight only after birth. They make pregnancy an excuse to eat more and gain excess weight then suffer the excess pounds later after birth. But did you know that you can regain pre-pregnancy shape easier if you start taking actions and watch your weight while you are pregnant?

Pregnancy should not be a struggle and you don’t have to feel unattractive and overweight during and after pregnancy. Did you know that you can avoid excess pounds during pregnancy and regain pre-pregnancy shape without working so hard? Find out how to have pregnancy without excess pounds visit Fit and Beautiful While Pregnant

Discover How to Lose Pregnancy Pounds

Having a baby is always a wonderful, magical experience. Unfortunately, it also means having to manage the extra bulk after, the result of your pregnancy weight gain. For some women, how to lose pregnancy pounds is unbelievably easy. But for the rest, it could be a bit of a challenge. If you’ve been worrying about how to lose pregnancy pounds, here are some things you can do:

Maintain realistic expectations.
It took about 9 months for you to gain that weight. Don’t expect to shed it off in just a few weeks through vigorous exercises. Crash diets are not a good course of action either. Accept the fact that learning how to lose pregnancy pounds might take some time or if you’re genetically lucky, maybe less. Just be thankful that with a little effort, you can definitely get rid of it.

Don’t compare yourself to celebrity moms.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be one of those fabulous celebrity mothers who seem to go back to their original waistlines in such a short time after giving birth? Problem is, not every pregnant woman is a celebrity, which means we don’t all have access to a bevy of dietitians, personal chefs and fitness trainers on call 24/7. Many of us don’t even have nannies or house help.

If you want to learn how to lose pregnancy pounds effectively, don’t compare yourself with celebrities. It’s unrealistic and what they have is too expensive to emulate. Besides, if you lose weight too rapidly, you’re more likely to gain it back just as fast.

Don’t exercise immediately after pregnancy.
If you think you can battle pregnancy weight with vigorous exercise just days or weeks after your baby is born, you’re wrong. Too much physical exertion can be dangerous. Allow your body to heal first before learning how to lose pregnancy pounds – it takes about 2 to 6 months before it returns to normal.

Start your exercise program after your first trip to the doctor for a post-natal or wait until after about 2 to 3 months. This is the time when you’re gaining strength and your monthly period becomes regular. Begin gently on learning how to lose pregnancy pounds. Ask your doctor for guidance if you’re unsure. Based on your medical history, he can help you decide which exercise programs are best for you and how fast you can transition from one level of exercise to the next.

Enjoy your physical activity.
You don’t have to feel trapped in structured exercises. They can get boring after a while. To make sure you don’t hit a slump; introduce other forms of physical activities such as walking, yoga, tai chi and swimming.
Light to moderate impact exercises are especially helpful during the first weeks when you begin to exercise and learning how to lose pregnancy pounds. Training your body to get used to moving again will make it easier for you to adjust gradually to heavier exercises later on.

Watch your weight loss.
You typically gain an average of 30 lbs. during pregnancy. When you give birth, you lose about 13% of this weight. The rest is what you’ll have to work for and find ways on how to lose pregnancy pounds. The safest weight loss range you should aim for is 0.5 to 2 lbs. per week, no more.

Don’t scrimp on nutrition.
Eat a lot of nutritious food while you’re trying to learn how to lose your pregnancy pounds. This is particularly important especially if you’re breastfeeding. Get about five portions of vegetables and fruits daily. Bulk up on fiber to help you with elimination and keep you from eating too much because fibers are filling. Get a good amount of calcium and protein from milk, yogurt, cheese, lean meat, fish and chicken. 

Keep hydrated with water.
Drink plenty of water every day. This helps keep you refreshed and aids your body in flushing out toxins and a good way on how to lose pregnancy pounds. If you want more flavors, go for naturally sweet fruit juices like watermelon or crushed apples. If you can, stay away from soda. It’s loaded with calories, making your job of learning how to lose pregnancy pounds doubly difficult.

Women have to go through a lot of things during and after pregnancy. But did you know that you don’t have to go through pregnancy feeling overweight and unattractive? Did you know that you can avoid gaining excess pounds during pregnancy and you don’t have to work so hard after pregnancy to shred the excess pounds? You don’t have to go through the hard way of learning how to lose pregnancy pounds. Find out how to have pregnancy without pounds visit Fit and Beautiful While Pregnant

Secrets of Pregnancy Without the Pounds

Nurturing another life within your body and giving birth are the most miraculous things that could ever happen to a woman. While pregnancy is a wonderful thing, going through with it put women into a lot of stress, pains and insecurities with the way they look. For most women pregnancy is a struggle. Women always find it hard to look good and feel good during and after pregnancy. Pregnant women have to battle with stretch marks, sagging breasts, morning sickness, and gaining weight. Women gain weight during pregnancy and have trouble shredding the extra weight after birth. They often wonder how to have pregnancy without the pounds.

During pregnancy it is recommended to gain some pounds needed to nurture your baby but most pregnant women find themselves gaining excess pregnancy weight and became overweight. Instead of striving for pregnancy without the pounds, women find themselves gaining excess pregnancy pounds. Gaining too much weight can be harmful to you and the baby, there are studies that babies born to overweight mothers have more tendencies to have birth defects. Monitoring your weight and staying on the required weight during pregnancy is very important for your health and the baby and yet most of the time women get overweight during pregnancy. You don't have to make pregnancy an excuse to eat all you want and feel fat or overweight later and worst endanger your health and the baby. Discipline during pregnancy when it comes to gaining weight is needed for you to stay healthy and in shape while pregnant and enjoy pregnancy without the pounds.

After giving birth, women struggle to lose weight and regain the body they used to have before pregnancy. There are those who struggle in dieting and shredding the unwanted pregnancy pounds months after giving birth and yet find themselves frustrated to attain their goal of losing that excess weight gained during pregnancy. Aiming for pregnancy without the pounds during pregnancy is easier than try to lose excess pregnancy pounds later.

Pregnancy without the pounds is possible and pregnancy should not be a struggle. If you want to feel good and attractive during and after pregnancy it is possible and can be done. Learn how to control and monitor your weight gain during pregnancy is a decision towards pregnancy without the pounds. You just have to be comfortable with your pregnancy and willing to find the right techniques or methods for you to stay fit and in good shape while pregnant and of course 100% safe for you and your baby.

Pregnancy without the pounds is something pregnant women have to work on to feel good and be attractive while pregnant. Without excess pounds delivery will be easy and your body will be in good shape after giving birth. Women can be pregnant and yet be beautiful and stunning.

Pregnancy should not be that stressful, while your body is going through a lot of dramatic changes, there are still things you can do to feel good and look attractive.

Do you want to feel good, attractive and beautiful while pregnant and avoid excess pregnancy weight? Discover how to have pregnancy without the pounds visit Stay Fit and Beautiful While Pregnant.