Women are always concern about their looks and their weight. During pregnancy, women must gain weight to nurture the unborn baby. Weight gain depends on your pre-pregnancy weight but a healthy weight gain for an adult with average weight and height is between 25-35 pounds. The problem with most pregnant women is that they make pregnancy an excuse to gain too much weight. Gaining pregnancy weight maybe necessary for your baby but it is not an excuse to gain excess pregnancy weight.
Here are some tips to avoid gaining pregnancy weight more than what is required:
Ask the help of your doctor on how to gain weight. Although gaining pregnancy weight is important, this does not mean that you have to get as fat as you want. Ask your health provider about how you should gain weight without gaining too much. You only need to consume 100-300 more calories for your baby and gain 2-4 pounds on your 1st trimester. Most pregnant women make the mistake of gaining too much pregnancy weight. Gaining weight more than the required is not healthy for you and your baby.
Eat a well balanced diet. Gaining pregnancy weight maybe necessary to nourish your baby, but it does not mean you have to eat for two. Avoid junk foods and fried foods. Choose low fat foods and as much as possible avoid fast food restaurants. Cut down on sweets and high calorie drinks like soft drinks. Eating a well balanced diet will keep you healthy and will prevent you from gaining too much weight.
Do not be a couch potato. You do not have to remain physically inactive because you are pregnant. There are physical activities suitable for pregnant women and you have to ask your doctor about it. Physical activities are good to keep you healthy and to prevent you from gaining pregnancy weight more that what is required.
Hydrate yourself properly. Water is good to boost your metabolism and it is also good for your overall health. Drink plenty of water, about 8 glasses or more daily to keep you well hydrated. Water has many health benefits especially for pregnant women. It prevents dehydration, bladder infections, constipation and hemorrhoids
Although pregnancy is a gift to most women, gaining pregnancy weight can make women feel awful about their appearance. You do not have to feel ugly and unattractive while pregnant. Discover a proven program to keep you healthy and in shape during pregnancy visit Trim Pregnancy