Although pregnancy is a gift, almost half of pregnant women do not
enjoy their pregnancy because it is accompanied by a lot of discomforts.
Aside from the morning sickness, the physical changes during pregnancy
make them feel fat and unattractive. Most women go through pregnancy
suffering from gaining unnecessary pregnancy weight
which can be really dangerous for the mother and the baby. Aside from
the health issues, too much weight can affect the physical appearance of
It is important to gain weight during pregnancy but it is not a
license for mindless eating to get fat. The required weight gain during
the period of 9 months for pregnant women of normal weight and height is
25-35 pounds. Expected weight gain for the first trimester is about 2-4
pounds and 3-4 pounds each month on the last 6 months.
Gaining unnecessary pregnancy weight is not only an
appearance concern but it is also a health concern. Pre-eclampsia or
high blood pressure and gestational diabetes are two of the most common
health issues of overweight pregnant women. Being overweight can also
increase the risk of Cesarean delivery. Babies born to overweight
mothers have increased risk of birth effects. Gaining unnecessary pregnancy weight is dangerous not only to the mother but also to the baby.
There are ways to avoid being overweight while pregnant. Here are the best ways to avoid gaining unnecessary pregnancy weight.
Consult your doctor. It is best for pregnant women to consult a
health care provider to make sure that she is gaining the necessary
weight. Weight gain during pregnancy is important for your health and
the development of your unborn child but too much can put you and your
child in danger. Ask the advice of your doctor about maintaining a
healthy weight gain during pregnancy.
Moderate exercises and physical activities. It is not healthy for
women to go through pregnancy without any physical activity. Exercise
does not only prevent you from gaining unnecessary pregnancy weight
but it also has many health benefits. Of course you need to consult
your doctor before starting on any exercise program. Walking and low
impact aerobics are the best exercise for pregnant women. Of course you
need to avoid heavy exercises and abdominal exercises.
Watch what you eat. Mindless eating can lead to gaining unnecessary pregnancy weight
that is why you have to watch what you eat. Although you need an extra
300 calories a day, you should watch what you eat because those calories
should not just be empty calories and it should come from nutritious
diet. Avoid fast foods because they are high in fats and calories.
Increase intake of vegetables and fruits. Cut down on sweets like ice
cream and chocolates.
You should not go through pregnancy feeling ugly and fat because you
can stay fit and beautiful while pregnant. To know more on how to be
healthy and look great during pregnancy visit Trim Pregnancy