Avoid Obesity During Pregnancy- Things You Should Know

Gaining weight is inevitable during pregnancy. In fact it is necessary for your health and for the nourishment or development of your baby. Unfortunately, obesity is a common problem among pregnant women. Obesity is accompanied by a lot of health risks and it is important to avoid obesity during pregnancy.

Obese pregnant women are more susceptible to pregnancy complications like child birth defects, miscarriage and other life threatening complications like pre-eclampsia. They are also at higher risk of caesarean deliveries. Losing weight during pregnancy is not advisable but there are ways to avoid obesity during pregnancy to stay healthy and look good while pregnant.

It is important to have self-discipline. Pregnancy is not an excuse to gain too much weight. Although you need to gain weight, the required weight gain of a healthy woman with normal BMI (body mass index) before pregnancy is between 25-35 pounds. Gaining less or too much can be dangerous for you and your unborn child. Unfortunately, due to lack of self discipline most women gain too much weight. This should not be the case because if you want to have a safe and happy pregnancy you have to avoid obesity during pregnancy.

Consult your doctor to know how much weight you should gain for your own health and for the development of your baby. Your doctor can also guide you when and how to gain the necessary weight. It is best to be monitored by your health provider to avoid complications and to make sure you are on the right track. With the right guidance you can avoid obesity during pregnancy.

It is important to have a healthy eating habit if you want to avoid obesity during pregnancy. It is important to eat a well balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins. Do not skip breakfast because it is the most important meal of the day. If you have morning sickness, eat something light like crackers and eat the rest of your breakfast later in the morning. Eat small meals during the day. Keep healthy quick snacks on hand like dried fruits, nuts, raisins and a bowl of fresh fruits like apples, banana, grapes and oranges. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Avoid junk foods and processed foods because they are high in salt which promotes water retention in the body and they lack the nutrients and vitamins necessary for a healthy pregnancy.

Being physically active is important to burn excess fats and avoid obesity during pregnancy. Swimming and brisk walking is a good way to keep active but remember not to over do it and exercise with caution. Of course before engaging in any physical activity you have to consult your doctor to know the appropriate activities for your condition.

Pregnancy should not be difficult. With the proper knowledge and techniques you can avoid obesity during pregnancy. To know more on how to stay fit and beautiful while pregnant visit Trim Pregnancy